Filling The Fridge With The Right Innovation
Building the Coors innovation framework to inform high impact choices
We finally have a clear framework that will help us make decisions on what innovation does and doesn’t fit under the Coors Light brand.”
Vero, Brand Manager, Molson Coors

Coors Light was the #1 beer in Canada with sluggish growth and a bare innovation fridge. There was a need to move beyond the obvious cold equity, yet stay within the integrity of the brand. The Coors Light brand team partnered with the Molson Insights Team and Sklar Wilton to explore and unlock this opportunity.

Sklar Wilton facilitated a work session to build a hypothesized innovation framework that guided research design and stimuli. Innovation ideas were created and then short listed against the framework.

Research helped identify different types of refreshments and occasions for a new Coors innovation portfolio and pipeline. A unique piece of expandable brand equity for Coors was uncovered. While the Coors brand is expandable, if the research had been taken literally, the consumer would have guided the brand in the wrong direction. Strong hypotheses and a clear brand architecture were necessary to put these insights into context.

Understanding the fit within the new framework, Coors Banquet was sourced from the US and quickly became the #1 innovation launch in the beer category over the past five years. Coors Altitude was also launched as a different type of refreshment for a higher energy occasion. The Coors Light innovation fridge is well stocked for the future.